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Sacred Exchange

Writer's picture: itallstartsinthehoitallstartsintheho

A friend's daughter recently contacted me to see if we could meet. We had chatted a few times when we attended church together and met for breakfast a few times while she was in high school. After that, we lost touch, and I only received updates about her from her mom; years later, she is in her final year of graduate school. She texted me to ask if I remembered her and if we could spend time together.

Due to my limited schedule, I had a brief break one day between work and a meeting at my son's school. Coincidentally, she was also free so I felt an urgency to meet, even if it was only for a short time. I wasn't sure how I could help, as I didn't know her current situation, but I wanted to be available, especially since she had reached out in desperation.  

Leading up to our date, I asked the Holy Spirit what He wanted me to say. I didn't wish to speak from my heart but His. The last thing I wanted to do was talk out of turn and steer my young friend in the wrong direction. His response was swift; He wanted me to share with her what he has been doing within me lately.  

Father God wanted me to remind her of her true identity and His calling for her. However, before she could recognize the truth, she needed to confront the lies that had shaped her current identity. She spoke about her esteemed accomplishments, awards, and status at school and work. While she expressed her sacrifices and her dream of becoming a world-renowned scientist, it felt as though she was sharing her resume—impressive and admirable—but she never mentioned what God called her.

She then began to confess her sins, but I interrupted her. First, it was not my place to know those details, and second, God is not an accuser but a Redeemer. He wasn't leading her down this path to highlight her shortcomings; instead, He aimed to reveal His truth over her. She also reflected on the hurtful names she had been called over the years, how they lingered, and how she believed them. (Isn't it sad how easily we accept negative words spoken over us while dismissing positive affirmations?) God was in the process of emptying out the deception and pouring in the truth.

Once my young friend recognized the false identity she had lived behind for so many years, she asked God to remove those layers and replace them with what He called her—what she truly was to Him. It was a beautiful exchange to witness. With her eyes closed and tears streaming down her face, she finally began to express her true identity.

From this new foundation, I encouraged her to ask God about His purpose for her on this earth. Is she fulfilling His plan and doing what He wants her to do? Or is she simply acting on her own assumptions about what she thinks He desires? We often waste a lot of time and energy pursuing what we believe we should be doing, based on the actions of others and the expectations placed upon us, often out of fear of disappointing them.

I understand why our time together was brief: God didn't require much time to work His wonders. All He sought was a heart that was fully surrendered and open, ready to embrace His transformative power. In that sacred exchange, He healed her deeply, replacing her pain with His profound truth and grace.  

As we transitioned our conversation in the parking lot, preparing to go our separate ways, I took a moment to remind her of the truth: we are all on the same journey. Each of us has a divine purpose, one that calls us to serve His kingdom in ways that reflect the unique identities He has blessed us with. It is essential to resist the temptation of being drawn into the seductive charm of worldly pursuits and ambitions, which can easily distract us from our true calling.

Friend, are you in need of a sacred exchange with our Heavenly Father? Take a moment and have the conversation.  Trust me, it's worth it.



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