Miracle: An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
I was raised to trust in Jesus Christ and everything recorded throughout the Bible. From the Old to the New Testament, all the words are God-breathed, including the miracles. Since faith was an essential part of my life growing up, it inherently became significant in nurturing our children. We believe our faith could not be our kids' faith, but they had to possess their own. They had to encounter God in their personal life.
We discerned pretty early that it wasn't the local church or youth group that would make the most significant differences in our children's lives, but we, as their parents, were. We are their parents, but we're also their pastors, their first example of Christ. We are grateful for the local church and leaders; however, we were confident we would not trust our children to have an intimate relationship with Christ by just taking them to church and expecting the leaders to impart their wisdom. It was our responsibility to lead and guide our children in the way they should go.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Along with many Bible lessons and discussions, we recognized we had to step out of just reading the Word but live out the Word. One of the areas we desired to pursue was the supernatural. Since signs and wonders are evident in the Bible, we had to position our children to believe in them. Instead of it just being conceptual, it had to be practical. Miracles were not only available during Bible times, but they are also available in our current time. Our children must engage with their own eyes what God can do. We took them from spectator to participant.
We can't witness miracles if we don't expect them. And we can't expect miracles if we don't need them. There is an added punctuation of urgency when one is desperate for an act of God; therefore, we declared our home to be a house of miracles. As a family, we seek the miraculous by interceding for those close to us as well as reaching out to the community. We are purposeful in tracking each request by creating a prayer board that includes their need and declaring what we hear the Lord saying over them. We jot the date when the request came in and then highlight when the prayer was answered. No miracle is too small to celebrate.
Thankfully, my kiddos have a growing list of witnessed miracles. As our faith stretches for more, we know that we know we will testify of more. We pray God will multiply the supernatural and build more houses of miracles.