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E Is For Empower

Writer: itallstartsinthehoitallstartsintheho

Cheers. "Where everyone knows your name."

Have you seen that sitcom from the 80s?

The main stage is at a bar where everyone convenes assumingly after a long day of work and enjoys a drink during Happy Hour.

During the hours of drinking and sharing, strangers quickly turn into friends.

For the last four years, we have (to a certain extent) emulated our home gatherings after the show, Cheers. We call it Happy Hour Fellowship. We have people who walked through our doors as strangers but eventually left as friends and some even as close as family. We invite our guests to feast on food, fellowship, and with the Father.

A blueprint of our gatherings include but not limited to the following:

  • Everyone knows not only your name but hopefully also your story. We roll out the welcome mat trusting everyone feels honored, known, seen, and heard. We love witnessing God bring the tapestry of different backgrounds, experiences, and journies together.

  • Food! Everyone's love language is food, so we have lots of it. Eating together brings communion with God and with each other.

  • We do not host alcoholic spirits, but more importantly, we invite the Holy Spirit.

  • We worship God and encounter Him any way He shows up.

Our motto: To come hungry and leave even hungrier for Jesus.

When we eat food for our bodies, we become full and are unable to eat anymore. But when God feeds our spirit, we become hungrier for Him. And when our hunger grows for Him, there is no other direction but to go deep with Him and take Him wide to our spheres of influence. In the process of going deeper with God, people eventually go further, higher, and do greater things. Our goal for HH is to empower others to do the extraordinary things they are created to do.

The encounters with the Holy Spirit and with each other far outweigh the time, energy, and resources that we pour into each gathering. We pray Happy Hour Fellowship is a runway for others to take flight and for us to watch them soar.

HH is a noun and a verb. It is a place where people gather, but it's also how we empower people to ascend.



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